Bites of My Life

I was talking with two friends this morning about how I always get “in my feelings” after traveling. Something about seeing another part of the country, how other people live, being inspired by new scenery, and have long flights on either end with little to do but just think. Well, it always gets me thinking. Coming off being in LA for one of my best friend’s (and twin in KKG) wedding, has me thinking do I move? When do I go back? I posted this image on instagram today with the caption “plotting my return.” Kind of kidding kind of serious. The feeling typically passes after I’ve gotten back into my routine and realize how great my life in Oklahoma City is, but still. Does anyone else feel like this after traveling? Looking back at one of my past bites posts after I was in SoCal last fall, shows I clearly had the same thoughts..

Not pictured below, but a huge part of last week was last minute scoring cheap tickets to see Hozier. I’ve been a fan since his beginning, but I’m wildly obsessed with his new album. I had looked up the set list prior and was excited by the list, but sad to see he wasn’t singing one of my favorites. To my surprise, in the encore, he mentioned that they were going to sing a song they had never sung live before. Low and behold they sung “To Make Noise,” and I squealed. Proof is saved in my music story highlight on instagram.

Then it was off to Los Angeles for a wedding weekend for the books. Kick off cocktails Thursday, followed by dinner at SUR (Vanderpump Rules anyone?). Brunch and exploring Venice on Friday and a welcome party at Catch LA. Then lunch at The Ivy Saturday and shopping in West Hollywood before the main event at the Beverly Hills Hotel. We were slumming it in an AirBnB with 14 people, yet still felt like a celebrity driving up and down Sunset Blvd. all weekend.


-Back on the smoothie game in a strong way. Last week’s recipe was tart cherries, frozen cauliflower, vanilla protein, water, then cinnamon, maca, ashwagandha, and ground flax for hormonal health.
-She’s twelve now I swear! JK she’s not even two yet, but seeing Elle moved into her “big girl” room made her instantly age 10 years on me!
-Since I was leaving Thursday of last week, I didn’t buy new groceries and was scraping out the last bits of groceries. I’ve been trying to stay stocked on staples like chickpeas, brown rice, and sweet potatoes which in turn resulted in a delicious clean out the fridge meal before leaving town.
-Made it to Beverly Hills for #ShesAlwaysBennett and headed straight for the Pink Palace on Sunset Blvd.
-Skipped the notable McCarthy salad (sorry Molly!!) for a classic club sandwich, poolside, to kick off the California eats! Needed carbs after hours without eating from traveling!
-Spent Friday bopping around Venice and Santa Monica. I’d spent about an hour in Venice last fall and was excited to go back. We did brunch at The Butcher’s Daughter which did not disappoint. Santa Monica however kind if did. Too busy and commercialized for what I had envisioned.
-Saturday brunch at The Ivy. An absolute must if you are going to LA. I ordered the grilled vegetable salad, but heard the burger is unbeatable.
-Maybe it was just because we were in Los Angeles, but felt boarder line celebrity getting my hair done and all dressed up! All the feels seeing one of my best friends get married in one of the best locations.
-Finished book #4 and #5 of 2019 over the weekend. Save your time on Girl, Stop Apologizing. I bought into Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis and would still recommend it, but GSA was not my cup of tea, turns out followers on instagram agreed after I shared my thoughts.


Salad bite: While researching the McCarthy’s salad to link it above, I found this article about Hollywood’s 5 Favorite Salads. Looks like I really do need to go back to LA to cross a few more off my list.

Bites of My Life

Let’s rewind to last Monday about 4:30pm when I was setting up for a work happy hour at our office. By 4:40pm I was in my car on the way to the emergency room. Short story a heavy glass plaque fell off a shelf onto my face slicing right above my lip open. Two emergency rooms and three stitches later and I was back in business. Why do things like this happen to me? Who remembers the mandoline slicer accident fall 2k16?

The week started interesting, but ended on a high with one of my best friend’s engagements! Such a fun night celebrating with friends from in and out of town. Now it’s a busy short week before I’m California bound for #ShesAlwaysBennett!

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-Nothing like a Monday night trip to the ER…3 stitches later and we are back in business.
-This combo!!! Roasted cauliflower, chickpeas, spinach, cilantro, mint topped with tahini and dukkah.
-Lunch last week was another win! Slow roasted sweet potatoes, brown rice, Trader Joe’s cruciferous crunch with again, tahini and dukkah.
-Our sweetie Maddie is finally engaged and we loved getting to be a small part of the day!
-Sunday turned into a massive spring cleaning day that involved me pulling everything out of my closet, 4 bags of giveaway items, a trip to Bed, Bath & Beyond and Target and then back to Target, and the result of a very organized closet and under bed situation.


No April Fool’s joke will ever beat last year’s.

Bites of My Life

Spring is truly in the air. I started my week last week, working outside in the sun, running outside (yes running, and yes outside), and enjoying the above 60 temps we had everyday. The week also started by replacing my Monday Bachelor nights with Monday book club! Our inaugural book club was a hit and I can’t wait for our second in April. The work week went by fast and the weekend came with plenty fun events. A wedding shower, an all day birthday celebration and a killer avocado benedict!


-I like to buy a kombucha every Sunday. I drink about 1/2 Sunday and 1/2 Monday to get my digestion back out of whack from the weekend. Health-Ade and their unique flavors have been my jam lately.
-First book club officially in the books (pun intended)! We just finished reading Educated and are working through Girl Stop Apologizing for Book #2. This is the scene before everyone came over…
-…and this is after. We did a BYOsalad topping theme potluck alongside lots of cheese, crackers and cookies. Because the food is just as important as the reading material!
-Oats are back on my radar! My steel cut oat hack is 1/4 oats to 3/4 water soaked overnight. In the morning bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with cinnamon, maca, cashews and gogi berries!
-My sweet sweet Ashley/co-worker/work wife/sound board surprised me with this little pot of blooms last week to brighten up my desk.
-Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Perfect CCCs are here!
-I have a weakness for Jordan almonds. I bought them for an Easter decoration, but my “decoration” isn’t going to last with me eating them all.
-I still print photo prints for photo albums. Anyone else?
-One last celebration for our Cali bride before we head to LA next weekend for her big day!


Bites of My Life

Cassie and Colton, are we on board? I think I am. The only thing I’m hating is that my Monday’s are now empty without The Bachelor. However, tonight is the first of my friends and my book club! We’ve been wanting to start one for a while and over the past month we read Educated as our first book. Any suggestions on our next book?


-Spring has me eating and craving all the fruit. Apple and berries with a squeeze of lemon and ground flax on repeat for breakfast last week.
-Remember a few weeks ago when I accidentally died my hair strawberry blonde? Well, my sister/amateur hair colorist finally brought me back to my bright blonde roots.
-Spring also has me craving all the raw veggies. Veg and (double the) hummus for a working lunch on Friday.
-Thin Mint Brownies people.
-I had a r i p e avocado waiting for me to eat it. Sprinkle generously with EBTB seasoning for the best breakfast.
-They may be thin, but they are full of flavor. Thanks to my friend Miranda for letting me try out Thinsters. If you order, let me sway you in the direction of vanilla bean over chocolate chip.
-Sweet and salty sourdough toast.
-Would you believe me if I told yo it’s gluten free and dairy free? Recipe coming this week!


Byte bite: I can’t get enough of his new album.

Bites of My Life

Lot’s of tile floor pics this week. I had more, but refrained from posting them. I think I need to start a #anniestilefloor hashtag for the amount of pictures I take in this exact spot. Lot’s of #anniestilefloor is showing up because lot’s a good food was and is going down these days. I’m reading a book that has a whole section on how food is medicine and what we eat, when we eat it, how we eat etc. can help cure a multitude of hormonal issues. That being said, lots of intentional recipes are being made and devoured!

Aside from food (always) I got extra time with my mini me this week, and had a double header of concerts this weekend. ‘Twas a good one!

Looking forward to The Bachelor finale tonight and tomorrow and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in Dallas this weekend!

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-Started the week with an egg craving. If you’ve been around here for a while, you know I go up and down and down and up with eggs. For a month I’ll eat them everyday and then one day I’ll wake up and almost gag getting them down and then won’t eat eggs for 6 months. Well, I’ve been off eggs for a few weeks, but decided this week I was going to try again. I made 6 1/2 minute jammy eggs and they were amazing. But then I made them again the next day and could barely get them down. Don’t ask. I don’t know why I’m so finicky with them. However, I posted on my stories about this and had several people say, they too, go through egg phases.
-Mardi Gras complete with a homemade King Cake from our baker at The Jones. Kind of one ups my homemade king cakes, but I’ll give it to the professional!
-Sweet Potato Lentil Dhal from one of my favorite cookbooks. Super cozy indian dish topped with avocado, yogurt, sesame seeds and toasted coconut.
-Really loved this brothy celery and chickpea soup I made for lunches last week.
-Elle, can you say puppies??
-Back to back concerts this weekend. Friday night with Ben Rector and Saturday night with my #1 music crush right now, Mt. Joy. After discovering them in Dallas a few weekends ago when they opened for RKS, I freaked out when I saw they would be in OKC. I’m Your Wreck and Sheep are my favorites. Do yourself a favor and jump on my bandwagon.
-Went a little protein pancake crazy this weekend. Woke up real early both days this weekend, starving none the less. These protein pancakes were equal parts filling as they were satisfying. Just 1 scoop vanilla protein, 1 egg, 1/4 cup water cooked in coconut oil topped with melted almond butter and cinnamon.
-Sunday Self Care <3 read my Sunday routine in yesterday’s post.
-Clean out the fridge meals are often my favorite. I pride myself on being able to repurpose leftovers like a champ. Seen here, I took leftover roasted broccoli, leftover corn tortillas, almond milk mozzarella and spinach to make a little quesadilla for lunch. I dipped it in a crema I made from leftover cashew yogurt, cilantro and cumin!


Music bite: just listen to them please!