Bites of My Life

We were snow covered two weeks ago, had temperatures almost in the 80s last week, and today marks the first day of March. What??

Like most, I think I’m having an extended version of the “Sunday scaries,” when I think about us coming up on the year anniversary of the start of covid lockdown. A year. How has it been a year since this mess began? I remember every fine detail of the the week leading up to lockdown. I think I always will.

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-My friend Lauren was gushing about how she had bought cereal at the store and couldn’t wait to have cereal for dinner. Being an adult is fun, how the smallest thing like cereal for dinner can sometimes seem so comforting and simple. I copied, obviously. Lauren made fun of me that my cereal looked like bird food. But I guess that’s the difference between cereal as a kid and cereal as an adult. I opt for Nature’s Path Smart Bran, almond milk, and blueberries.
-Dinner date at my favorite neighborhood restaurant, Alamo Club.
-Two basic blogger items made their way into my closet last week. This Amazon replica of the coveted Free People sweater and these Levi high-waisted skinnies make me feel far from original, but equally happy to own two basics I know I’ll wear the heck out of.
-A scrappy mini charcuterie board to kick off the weekend.
-Friday night was for ME! Post-mini cheeseboard and leftovers for dinner was a bubble bath and an early bedtime!
-Got hired to create this epic cheeseboard for a friend who was hosting a baby shower. I had way too much fun gathering ingredients and photos for inspiration. It turned out perfect and has me wanting to make more. Does anyone need to hire a charcuterie chef?
-Carly + Sam!! Congrats to two friends on the most special engagement.
-Too much fun, trouble, and karaoke when this OU crew is together. We can now officially thank the soon-to-be Cody’s for getting us all together and for the Sunday scaries.
-Sunday morning backing Perfect CCCs obviously. I always (and you should too) save a few balls of dough for the freezer. This way I’m never without cookies on a rainy day!
