Bites of My Life

How are you doing? How are you holding up? How is working from home? We are now at the start of official self distancing week two. While it feels like we are all falling into a rhythm it’s still just so strange. Conversations I’ve had often go like this, “I just can’t believe this.” or “I feel like we are in a movie.” and the worst “How long is this really going to last?” The truth is we don’t know. We are not in control. We can all do our part to help, but God will get us to the finish line. While I’ve struggled to make that my guiding principle through this, I’m confident it’s the truth.

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-Very lucky to be at my parents during all of this. Their stocked fridge has me feeling very thankful.
-Lots of hugs and kisses from my nieces before we all decided it would be best to stay 6 feet apart for a while :(
-Walk then wine with my bestie Maddie. Last week was hard for a gajillion reasons, but especially for Maddie after having to reschedule her wedding.
-Wannabe Bibimbap Bowls being made in the #quarantinedkitchen.
-My go to “quarantini” has been a combo of tequila, lots of lime juice and Le Croix.
-Wondering if wearing plastic gloves at the grocery store will be the new normal even after Covid-19?
-Finished this book last week and highly recommend for a mind escape!
-Sunday morning avocado toast, Pioneer Woman and a side of Calm gummies.
-Perfect CCCs went live on Instagram yesterday, did you watch?