Bites of My Life

Cassie and Colton, are we on board? I think I am. The only thing I’m hating is that my Monday’s are now empty without The Bachelor. However, tonight is the first of my friends and my book club! We’ve been wanting to start one for a while and over the past month we read Educated as our first book. Any suggestions on our next book?


-Spring has me eating and craving all the fruit. Apple and berries with a squeeze of lemon and ground flax on repeat for breakfast last week.
-Remember a few weeks ago when I accidentally died my hair strawberry blonde? Well, my sister/amateur hair colorist finally brought me back to my bright blonde roots.
-Spring also has me craving all the raw veggies. Veg and (double the) hummus for a working lunch on Friday.
-Thin Mint Brownies people.
-I had a r i p e avocado waiting for me to eat it. Sprinkle generously with EBTB seasoning for the best breakfast.
-They may be thin, but they are full of flavor. Thanks to my friend Miranda for letting me try out Thinsters. If you order, let me sway you in the direction of vanilla bean over chocolate chip.
-Sweet and salty sourdough toast.
-Would you believe me if I told yo it’s gluten free and dairy free? Recipe coming this week!


Byte bite: I can’t get enough of his new album.