Bites of My Life

The pictures below don’t represent the state of my heart or our country. While last week was a really great week, it was paralleled by a very sad week, weekend, and coming days. I don’t want to be naive, but I’m hopeful of the change stirring in myself and my peers. It’s hard and uncomfortable to put thoughts to words, but I’m reflecting and learning, and wanting to change alongside all of us who need this change of heart.

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-Been clutching onto LiquidIV to help get my afternoon dose of water.
-I live for a freezer foraging single girl meals. Turkey burger, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes.
-Drinks at lunch for a birthday cheers! Thankful for a family who will drive three hours just to have lunch with me!
-Turned 27, but forever the baby in my famili’s eyes.
-What was supposed to be a casual get-together with friends at my apartment, turned into a full birthday party including all of my favorites who don’t live near.
-Thank you to Margaret and Olivia for not letting my golden birthday slide by. This was truly one of my best birthdays ever. And if you haven’t had the celebration cake from Susie Cakes you are seriously missing out.
-I’ve been loving this sun-dried tomato, basil and mozzarella omelette on the weekends.
-Celebrating #BrittWillBeBridges!
-When the future Bauer’s double as your personal chef and besties.


27 bites: 27 Lessons Learned

27 Lessons Learned in 27 Years

I was never afraid of growing up per se. I’m the baby of the family and had a late birthday growing up in school. I count myself mature for my age and have always had a smidge of old soul in me. Well that fear of growing up subsided until last year when I was approaching 26. I was not having it. Twenty five, cool cool, I can handle that, I sounded legitimate, more likely to be taken seriously professionally compared to 24, but 26 that’s practically 30, and 27 for-get-about-it.

Last year I hit 26 and then shortly moved to Dallas two weeks later. That particular birthday seemed daunting, but was quickly forgotten once I had a pep in my step due to a new city to explore and thrive in. Twenty six quickly felt like the perfect age.

Now back to 27 because today is my 27th birthday - yikes! After random pangs of fear of turning 27 over the past year, feeling like I haven’t done enough in my 27 years, or that my life isn’t exactly how I pictured it (I used to always think I’d go to college, meet my husband, get married around 24 and have a kid by 26 - hilarious!!), I woke up one morning back in January realizing that my birthday this year would actually be my golden birthday. I’m a sucker for signs like this, so I took it as a knock to embrace 27. My first niece was born on 7/27/17, this is my 7th year of blogging, I’m turning 27 on the 27th…these might be a stretch, but I’m going with good juju for year 27.

I’ve swallowed the pill that 27 is way closer to 30 than I would like it to be, but the fact that I feel like an infant in the grand scheme of life means I’m going to roll with that feeling instead of the my life is over feeling. That same night I woke up realizing this would be my golden birthday, I quickly started rattling off things I’ve learned in my 27 years in a note on my phone, and today I’m sharing them with you.

  1. Hold your best friends tight, but don’t be shy about making new ones.

  2. Don’t get stagnant. In your job, in your friendships, in your home. 

  3. Don’t be afraid of change, embrace it.

  4. Don’t be afraid to make new traditions. As the youngest child you especially have to learn to accept this.

  5. Have dance parties in your house by yourself, often. 

  6. Belt songs alone in your car loudly, like really loud.

  7. Develop an interest in music. It helps feed any emotion you are feeling or want to feel. It also comes in handy to know the words to songs for impromptu karaoke and pop culture references.

  8. Take interest in food. I’m not just saying this because I write a food blog, but food brings us together and creates memories in ways other things don’t. But please don’t be a picky eater, too much deliciousness out there to be picky.

  9. A walk a day, keeps the doctor away (except during spring allergies).

  10. Move your body. It keeps you sane. And I don’t just mean cardio, lift a weight here and there.

  11. Have a go-to dish. Something you can whip up at for a last-minute party, bring to friend just because, share with new neighbors, etc. Maybe it’s easy guacamole or a killer cookie recipe, hi Perfect CCC’s 😉.

  12. Early morning baking is the best kind of therapy. I prefer Saturday’s at 6AM before anyone is up and I can be with me, myself, and cookies. Try it.

  13. It’s okay to feel a certain kind of way, and it’s okay to talk about it. It’s also okay to be nervous to talk about it. 

  14. Jealousy is the devil. Recognize that and move on.

  15. Kiss FOMO goodbye.

  16. Take hold of your finances. Save, invest, repeat.

  17. Renting a home or an apartment isn’t throwing away money and don’t let someone make you feel bad for not owning a house.

  18. Your parents and Google have the answer to pretty much everything.

  19. Read. A book, a magazine, this blog, anything. Audible doesn’t count.

  20. Go to college to find your bridesmaids, not your husband.

  21. When all of your girlfriends are in relationships, don’t resent them if your life looks different. Love them, support their relationship, and then go invest in good guy friends.

  22. Suck up your pride and get on a dating app if you’re looking for a relationship.

  23. Wear confidence like your favorite sweater. Life’s too short to be shy.

  24. Develop a routine that works for you. If that’s going to bed at 9PM and drinking decaf coffee, own it.

  25. Take vitamins, wash your face, wear sunscreen (because everyone tells you to anyway).

  26. 27 is old, be mature.

  27. 27 is young, there’s still time.
