Belated Bites of My Life

I feel like I'm always writing about how "busy" I was the previous week but still "had fun." Sorry for the repetition, but it's the truth. April is always the busiest month of the school year. Teachers loooove to make every assignment, test and project due during April. Not to mention there are a million other non-class related things going on before we leave for summer break. The worst part is, this is always when my motivation goes out the window. That 12-page paper I have to write will be interesting...
Before moving on to bites from last week, I hope you saw my post yesterday featuring Warby Parker and the great glasses they have created to celebrate Architecture for Humanity! Also you may have noticed a few small updates to the site. I changed one of the header fonts, swapped out my cookie with an image of my favorite confetti cookie form Milk Bar and switched a few text colors. I wanted to make a few changes as part of my spring spruce up. 
-Yummy Thai dinner from my favorite place Sweet Basil. You can't tell in the picture but the carrots in my curry are in the shape of hearts!
-Kat teaching another Barre3 class at Kappa. Kappa and Barre3, two of my favorite things!
-Lunch dates with mom are my favorite.
-After a morning of volunteering, a rather large barbecue feast from Rudy's was in order. 
-It's spring date party season. Back to back parties made for a fun Saturday.
-An early Monday morning dentist appointment called for a Sunday night at home in Edmond. While at home, with full kitchen access, I find it rude not to bake something. Look for the recipe for this banana sheet cake with cream cheese frosting later this week.
I have some fun post ideas for this week so make sure you stay up to date! Also lots of changes and adventures are happening in my life right now.  I'll be sure to share as they get closer.