
New Year's resolutions may be a little cliche, but they have purpose. I was never much of a "resolver" growing up, but I kind of like the idea of having a few set goals to work on all year long. 
I had a list of about 3 or 4 New Year's resolutions written in a note on my phone, but they somehow got erased and now I can't remember them. Maybe one of my New Year's resolutions should be to work on my memory... 
Anyway, there are two resolutions that stuck in my mind I am going to work on resolving. 

image via  year of lettering

1. Don't text and drive. This seems simple, but I am terribly guilty of it and have to stop. I'm not the best driver to begin with and when the phone is in my hand it gets worse. We all hear horror stories of texting and driving accidents that do not end well. 2014 I'm pledging to not text and drive. 
2. Carpe diem. Life's short and I want to fill it with more happiness and joy. Anytime I feel myself getting upset or in a bad mood, I'm going to stop whatever is causing it and either listen to a feel-good song, eat a yummy treat or watch a favorite movie. Just simply do or think of something that turns my mood around. I don't want to spend my time in a bad mood missing out on time when I could be in a good mood!

I'm keeping it simple this year with only a couple resolutions. I'm going to focus on just these two so I can really put in effort to make them happen. 
Here's to a 2014 filled with no texting and driving and seizing the day!

