Bites of My Life

Goal of the week is to post more than just a bites post. Let's see if I can do it. Fingers crossed! The restaurant I have been devoting all of my time to the past 6 months finally opened last Thursday. Opening a restaurant is no joke. An industry I have coveted for years, and I finally found my place in it. If you're new here, I am the marketing manager for a local restaurant group. I get to mix my love of social media, promoting, marketing, food and restaurants into one dream job of a day job. Life has been crazy lately, so excuse me while I wrap up the past two weeks into one post!

-Have you ever seen something more "Annie"? The Raspberry Matcha Latte at The Jones Assembly is everything and more. 
-When there is a bibb lettuce shortage at the restaurant and you have to buy out the whole stock at Whole Foods...
-All lit up!
-One step closer to opening our doors.
-Mi familia at our last and final soft opening!
-Got to take off my marketing/hostess/server hat for a few hours to sit down and enjoy the fruits of our labor.
-The smoked salmon bagel from Kitchen No. 324 will always be my favorite. 
-The amount of times I've eaten chips and salsa for a meal in the past two weeks is absurd.
-Hi, I moved! My favorite little nook at our new place.

-Words from the wise, become besties with the barista at the restaurant you work for. I'm now the resident matcha and latte taste tester. Pictured here a pineapple matcha.
-Which leads to you becoming the matcha girl and people bringing you matcha Kit Kats. 
-Post StudioHop class calls for Organic Squeeze, especially when your punch card is full and you get it fo free!
-The countdown is over!
-7/13/17 The Jones Assembly is now open! The most rewarding thing I've ever been apart of!
-The hardest working crew ever!
-Cheers to #chefbritt and the team! We're open!
-First brunch at The Jones in the books. Followed by brunch again the next day. Yes I work there and yes I'm obsessed. 
-Started as a bandwagon fan, and now I'm a full on Garth Brooks superfan after his midnight performance this weekend. 
-Beyond Studios is one of my favorite studios that is accessible via StudioHop! Use my code AnnieHop20 in checkout to get $20 off your first month!
-Dessert at 11 am because Chef Owen's Flourless Chocolate Cake is irresistible. 
-Finally things are starting to slow down and Sunday night was the first chance to break in my new kitchen and cook dinner for the first time in about a month. 
