On a Tuesday

image via Camille Styles
After many failed attempts, finally a guide on how to recreate my favorite breakfast (the goodie featured in my Facebook picture).
The mini wheats are as good as they look.
How I'm using my paycheck.
Want to live till you're 100?
This is gold.
Tips on physiological interaction, invest in some gloves.
How big, how blue is Florence's new album?

Best d*** pumpkin soup.

My favorite part of getting sushi.
A conservative bachelorette party based off my one of my favorite rom coms.
A beautiful way to stay informed, have you updated yet?

Happy last day of summer!

I Heart U

Valentine's Day is the cutest holiday in my opinion. I've expressed my liking for this day before, but there is nothing more girly than hearts and candy and pink. Seems like the day was made for me if you asked me! Why not have a day dedicated to telling people how much you love them?

My heart starts fluttering the second the Valentine candy hits the shelves! I spent a good portion of yesterday putting together Valentines for my friends! Since I can't virtually give you all something, I've rounded up some Vday goodies and treats from around the web to show you how much I <3 U!


I propose you wake up Saturday morning and make yourself an egg in a heart. Then proceed by making one of these  heart-shaped cookie trees and decorating with foil heart balloons or DIY conversation heart balloons! These pink tassel earrings and kiss kiss shirt make for the perfect Vday outfit, especially while you chow down on some xoxo brownies and valentine bark. Don't forget to send a cute card to someone you love. They would probably enjoy these chocolate heart pretzels too! Finish your day with a cup of tea in one of Ashley Brooke's "more sugar please" mugs, paired with a deceivingly healthy cupcake for a sweet ending!

Now if this wasn't enough lovey dove goodness for you, check back tomorrow for delicious #takeabite treat recipe!
