Bites of My Life

I started my Monday morning and one of my favorite spots in the city, Kitchen at Commonplace. They promoted having free coffee on Monday’s and it seemed like the perfect place to start my week and get some things done before heading into the office. Well, on the way there I realized I left my phone at home. I opted out of going back to get it and decided I could live a day with out my phone (really testing myself here). I then got there to find out the “free coffee” special was for networking purposes. The idea was to have a cup of coffee and mingle and meet with like minded people. I missed that message. I wasn’t quite in the mingling mood, I had things to get done for goodness sake! So I grabbed my cup of coffee, said hi to the business owners and a few others I saw and knew, and then settled into a corner of the Kitchen.

I pulled out my computer and couldn’t find the wifi. Second realization of the day, they don’t have free wifi for guests. While I can appreciate that I was slightly annoyed. I needed to finish this blog post and reply to emails. All things that require wifi. And, let’s remember, I didn’t have my phone so I couldn’t connect to my hotspot. Instead of getting up and leaving, I was taking the no phone and no wifi as a sign.

I had brought my bible study and book club book, thinking maybe if after finishing my post and emails I may work on my study or read a bit. But let’s be honest, I knew I wouldn’t. Although, it was the thought that count! Well, I had no choice. No wifi, I couldn’t leave I already said hi, no phone. It was time to read, time to write, with actual pen and paper. So I drank my coffee and went through three days of my study. It was wonderful honestly. No distractions, no screens. I think I might start leaving my phone at home once a week and going places that don’t have wifi. A perfect slow start to a Monday and new week.

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-Last week I went to the store with no idea what I was buying. I never do that. I always have a list. I mentally knew I wanted to cook vegetarian for the week, but I just let the store speak to me (LOL) as far as what I ended up putting in my cart. It was slightly stressful and I don’t plan to just roam the aisles without a plan again, but I ended up with a great meal. I made a batch of lentils and did a composed salad of romaine, cooked red lentils, chickpeas, avocado, marinated onions, cherry tomatoes and topped with Trader Joe’s Turmeric Almond Butter dressing and black sesame seeds.
-My bestie is now a proud new homeowner! Bonus: she’s right down the street from me!
-I posted a picture of my room in bites last week too, but I’ve just really been loving this space lately!
-Old episodes from The Hills and a glass of wine in bed from 5pm Friday until I fell asleep.
-Fun Saturday popping up at Madewell to promote upcoming shows at The Jones Assembly!
-Always always always my go to snack. Apple with cinnamon and fresh ground almond butter.
-Ready to get these two married so I can get my liver back!
-Prior comment aside, we had a great time showering Alex and Graham!
-Panera delivery. I hate that I’m becoming that person to order food delivery, but its v necessary sometimes. And the $2 delivery price is hard not to pass up.


Meal prepped this for lunches this week and it’s going to be the perfect lunch for this cold weather that won’t go away.