Bites of My Life

Such a fun (too much fun) weekend celebrating a great friend at her wedding. They threw the party of the century and we couldn't' have had a better time celebrating with them. That on top of wasting 5 hours of my life watching all the Bachelor nonsense, scoring a killer estate sale find and delicious bites to round out the week and weekend. 

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-Bites and babysitting with my Elle girl!
-Weirdly jumped out of bed at my 4:30AM alarm to try a new workout class. Kicked my butt but worth it. 
-Loving creating recipes with my Arbonne nutrition products like this DIY kombucha.
-Blueberry Muffin smoothie coming out to be the prettiest purply/blue shade. 
-Night one of #happilyeverikard. 
-Pizza to the rescue.
-The most coveted estate sale find. Crushing on my new dinnerware. 
-Omelettes with Les!
-Night two of #happilyeverikard and the best of them all! 
