Bites of My Life

Last week I tried to detox from my smartphone, it went terribly. I sort of came to the realization that if I want to pursue a career in social media than maybe that can be my excuse for being attached to my phone. I'm working on being better, but there is just so much going on in the virtual world, right?
Got to dress up like my girl Zenon on Friday for my sorority's date party. My inner 7 year old had "zoom zoom zoom, make my heart go boom boom," on repeat in my head all night. 
Spent Saturday night at home housesitting for my parents. After a visit to my favorite, now Oklahoma City shop, I relaxed with red wine, a best friend and the OU game. 
Finished the weekend with homework, a comfort food roomie dinner and watching The Fault in Our Stars for the first time. Wowza is that movie good, yet so sad. A must see if you haven't already. Not to mention it's incredible soundtrack. 

-Homemade tofu cashew curry for Monday night din.
-Pomegranate chips and Jesus on the back deck. Never tasted anything like them, but they are kind of rocking my world. 
-Cookie decorating with my Big Brothers Big Sister's little. Love sharing what I love with the little sis I never had!
-A lovable breakfast post date party! I'll never get tired of this meal!
-Pulled out my calligraphy stuff since I hadn't practiced in months. Turns out it's more like riding a bike than I thought! 
-Double Chocolate Coconut cookies for my homecoming group. Turned out better than expected. 
-New goodies from Chirps & Cheers! They are officially open in Midtown and the store is more wonderful than ever!
-Roomie dinner minus one. Zucchini Lasagna with pesto, pea and corn salad. 
-Dreamy Nighttime drink to wind down with on Sunday. 
