Bites of My Life

Only two days of school, tons of family time and lots of food made for a great week last week. The night before Thanksgiving was spent getting fancy for a party with some really fun people. 
Woke up early on Thursday to get going with all the festivities. The morning had a slight downside when our cable went out and we missed the whole Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. After some necessary pouting, the cooking began. After the original feast, a plate of pie, a round of leftovers and a family game of Scategories, I went to sleep full and very happy!
Friday and Saturday I made a stop at the pop-ups (I'll do a review on them later this week!). Saw high school friends Friday and spent Saturday in the presence of Mr. John Mayer. 
Lastly, on Sunday, mom, dad, Kathleen and I drove out to the tree farm to pick up our Christmas tree. We have been going to the same tree farm for 21 years. I have the best memories of playing hide and go seek between the rows of trees and getting a candy cane and a glass of apple cider from inside the trailer at the farm. Thanksgiving is over and it's now full fledged christmas time.
-Dolled up for a fun party with friends last Wednesday.
-Kudos to my mom and 8 year old cousin for making our turkey shaped relish tray. 
-The Tucker Thanksgiving feast. My family does Thanksgiving best if I do say so myself!
-Pumpkin, pecan, chocolate and apple. The feast isn't complete without the pies!
-Got last minute tickets to see John Mayer Saturday. The show was perfect as always.
-The food didn't stop on Thursday.  My dad had smoked some salmon a few weeks ago, so I put together some smoked salmon crostini for an evening snack! {Toasted sliced baguette, whipped cream cheese and feta, smoked salmon, red onion and capers}
-Discovered the best salad at one of my favorite restaurants after shopping through the pop-ups. Next time you go to Saturn Grill you have to try the falafel salad!
-An old Christmas card still hanging up at our local Christmas tree farm.
I'm back at school for dead week and finals. I'll be studying until the semester is over, but then I'm on break for a whole month! 
xo annie