A Tucker Family Thanksgiving

I am so excited about this post today! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I'm pretty sure my family does it best. We clearly love food, so Thanksgiving is like the Super Bowl of meals. 
I've put together a replica of our meal with recipes I found around the internet which are very similar. Then I found a few recipes that are either inspired by or put a twist on some of our classic Tucker Thanksgiving dishes.
I am all about traditions and like to stick to them. We have been making a majority of these recipes every year since before I was born. When someone tries to suggest we don't make one of our Thanksgiving staples, it never goes over well.
-Creamed corn (everyone's favorite side dish)
-Brussels sprouts with pancetta and chestnuts (this is the exact recipe we use)
-Dressing NOT stuffing (they are the same thing, but depending on where you are from depends on what you call it.
-Pumpkin Pie (recipe is on the Libby's can)
-Sister Schubert rolls (nothing fancy, they come in the freezer section but nothing is better!
-Chocolate pudding pie (just for my cousin Dillon)
We have a lot of memories with these recipes. I think my family's favorite is..written on the recipe for the dressing there is a note that says "Bruce fix the toilet." About 20 years ago when someone was handwriting out the recipe they felt the need to make note that my uncle needed to remember to fix the toilet!
Everyone has a job too. I make the pumpkin pie, my dad and Kathleen make the dressing, my aunt Gina, Claire and I make the apple pie (no recipe involved) and then it's usually all of the kids standing over the counter peeling potatoes for the mashed potatoes. 

Now for a twist on some of our classics like creamed corn, mashed potatoes, dressing, sweet potatoes, rolls and pumpkin pie! If my family dared to mess with tradition, I would suggest some of these recipes.

-Brown butter mashed potatoes (this may actually be happening this year)
It's time to start prepping for Thursday. Maybe my family's Thanksgiving menu inspires your family! Let me know if you try any of these recipes.
xo annie