Good Morning

I love mornings. I love mornings because it means the start of a new day, free of anything bad that may have happened the day before. I love mornings because I am most productive when the sun is out. When I wake up early I get the most done. I love mornings because it gives me time to myself. Most people don't like the morning as much as I do, so they sleep right through it. I hate sleeping through the morning because that means missing my most favorite part of the day. Breakfast. Breakfast is the best part of mornings and my favorite kind of food. 

{Good Morning Beautiful}

If you know me well you know how much I love the morning. On a good morning when I have extra time before class or anything else, my routine usually consists of waking up, making a cup of coffee, making breakfast, blogging or reading blogs, some time with the big man upstairs, and if I really have time, I try to squeeze in a little Kathy Lee and Hoda. 

mornings aren't complete without a cup of coffee

blogging is best when it takes place in the morning

a big bowl of warm oatmeal is the perfect addition to my morning

Good morning friends! I hope you love them as much as me!
