Hit the Bullseye


Target did it again. Not only does Philip Lim for target come out in about a week, their inventory right now is on point. So much leather. Yes it is fake leather, but I'm not turned off by it. They have some great pieces like pencil skirts lined in leather, silky palazzo pants, and all kinds of booties. 

Don't even get me started on how good the workout stuff is. Step aside lulu (did I just say that?) But really!

Here are some of my favorites from Target's fall collection.

target fall

Dinner Jacket/Quilted Jacket/Cut Out Leather Front top/Pencil Skirt with leather trim/zip booties/Quilted Faux Leather Jacket

I made two trips to target yesterday. The first trip was just accompanying some friends who needed to run errands. After seeing everything they had, I went back after work with wallet in hand. Gosh darn it Target why do you have to do this to us. There is absolutely no such thing as buying just one thing at Target.

I walked out with booties, a skirt, nail polish, coffee and a tooth brush cover. Normal things to buy together right?

Target hit the bullseye with this one. Now it's just a waiting game until Philip Lim hits the shelves. September 15th people. 
