Bites of My Life

Okay, so I'm back and ready to jump back into blogging! I missed not having my daily outlet to unwind with, but it was also nice to distance myself from the computer the past few weeks. That being said, school likes to get in the way, so I am trying my best to get as many posts in as I can a week...reason why I only had three posts last week. 
I had to do a #bites post today because it's monday, and because they are my favorite post to do! But look forward to an awesome brownie recipe coming up tomorrow!

-A new school year calls for a new washi tape design on my planner. I LOVE school supplies and getting organized for the year. With just a few rolls of  tape I completely revamped my planner! My old design here.
-Last Tuesday my momma came down and had lunch with me. We tried out a new Mediterranean restaurant on campus and it was delicious. My platter came with hummus, cucumber sauce, greek salad, falafel and pita. The hummus was incredible smooth. I've been dreaming about it ever since. 
-Mom came bearing yogurt when she came to visit. My family's favorite yogurt is Noosa. It is a little thinner than regular greek yogurt and it is absolutely delicious. They have two new flavors, lemon and tart cherry. The lemon tasted like I was eating a lemon tart...yum!
-A sweet insta from my sis. It's so encouraging when people tell me they read my blog or tried out one of my recipes! I got lot's of  "I'm so glad your blogging again!" comments last week. Comments like that really just make my day!
May the second week of school commence and may the blog posts be back in full affect!
xo annie